0 |
1 |
Source not found|EC_UNKNOWN_SUBSCRIBER |
2 |
3 |
Delivery zone not found|DND Fail |
5 |
6 |
Location blocked|Absent subscriber |
7 |
Reply path not found|UNKNOWN EQUIPMENT |
8 |
Message not submit|FSM TIMEOUT |
9 |
Unsupported number plan|EC_ILLEGAL_SUBSCRIBER |
10 |
Unsupported type of number|EC_BEARER_SERVICE_NOT_PROVISIONED |
11 |
12 |
Dialling zone not found|EC_ILLEGAL_EQUIPMENT |
13 |
Not home zone and IMSI not allowed|EC_CALL_BARRED |
14 |
Not home zone and IMSI fetch failed|Barred unauthorized message originator |
15 |
Screening block|CUG REJECT |
18 |
ESME error|message waiting for report expired' |
19 |
Originating location mismatch|SRIAck unsuccessful with any other error codes' |
20 |
Originating reservation failed|EC_SS_INCOMPATIBILITY |
21 |
Originating reservation denied subscription not found|EC_FACILITY_NOT_SUPPORTED |
22 |
Originating reservation denied subscription state illegal|Memory capacity exceeded |
23 |
Originating reservation denied call case blocked for subscription|Unknown Subscriber' |
24 |
Originating reservation denied call case blocked for subscription type|call forbidden' |
25 |
Originating reservation denied low balance|the network does not support SMS' |
26 |
'teleservice not supported' |
27 |
Absent subscriber |
29 |
'HLR:data error in route signal' |
30 |
Terminating reservation failed|HLR:data lacked' |
31 |
Terminating reservation denied subscription not found|EC_SUBSCRIBER_BUSY_FOR_MT_SMS |
32 |
Terminating reservation denied subscription state illegal|EC_SM_DELIVERY_FAILURE |
33 |
Terminating reservation denied call case blocked for subscription|EC_MESSAGE_WAITING_LIST_FULL |
34 |
Terminating reservation denied call case blocked for subscription type|EC_SYSTEM_FAILURE |
35 |
Terminating reservation denied low balance|EC_DATA_MISSING |
36 |
37 |
'Unmarked Subscriber' |
38 |
'failure because the subscriber is busy' |
39 |
'VMSC isolated' |
40 |
System is congested|VMSC:data lacked' |
41 |
Originating IMSI mismatch|VMSC:unexpected data' |
42 |
'MS error' |
43 |
Not Supported by equipment |
44 |
Illegal equipment |
45 |
Quarantine Add|Unspecific PID Error |
46 |
Quarantine Remove|Message Class Not Supported |
47 |
DCS error |
48 |
TPDU Not Supported |
49 |
Short message delivery failure with memory capacity exceeded |
50 |
Unexpected error from Store|UNKNOWN ERROR |
51 |
Direct delivery disabled from store|EC_RESOURCE_LIMITATION |
53 |
Message limit exceeded|Subscriber Busy For MT-SMS |
54 |
Retry scheme ended|Data Download Error |
60 |
Originator blocked|Absent subscriber |
61 |
Destination blocked|Absent subscriber |
62 |
Keyword blocked|Absent subscriber |
63 |
SC address blocked|Absent subscriber |
64 |
Blocked due to exceeded quota|Absent subscriber |
65 |
Loop detected|Absent subscriber |
66 |
Data coding scheme blocked|Absent subscriber over GPRS Page Fail |
67 |
Information element identifier blocked|Absent subscriber over GPRS Detached |
68 |
Country Code Validation Block|Absent subscriber over GPRS Deregistered |
69 |
Destination Flooding |
70 |
No ESME provider available|MS store is full' |
71 |
ESME account not connected|EC_UNKNOWN_ALPHABET |
72 |
No ESME sub account routing|EC_USSD_BUSY |
74 |
ESME local throttling - exceeded msg/s|INVALID HEADER IN MSG |
80 |
Home routing sender GT mismatch|PENDING DLR (Retry ) |
81 |
Location mismatch between provided location and location known to HLR.|Service not supported |
82 |
IMSI mismatch between provided IMSI |Mistyped parameter |
83 |
Local throttling by sink|No response from the peer |
84 |
The IMSI could not be retrieved from the HSS|Resource limitation |
85 |
The IMEI of the UE is unknown|Initiating release |
86 |
The user location is unknown|Unrecognised error |
87 |
ESME router|Provider Error (In case of any failures observed in TCAP level this error will generate). |
88 |
Network fluctuation from far End Operator(Temporary Error) |
89 |
90 |
91 |
92 |
93 |
Equipment protocol error |
94 |
Equipment not SM equipped |
95 |
Unknown service centre |
96 |
Service Centre congestion |
97 |
98 |
Subscriber not SC subscriber |
99 |
Invalid SME address |
100 |
Unidentified subscriber|no response from the called subscriber' |
101 |
Facility not supported|VMSC:the called MS poweroff' |
102 |
System failure|VMSC:limited due to MS roaming' / SENDER ID BLOCKED |
103 |
Unexpected data value|ROUTE NOT ACTIVE |
104 |
105 |
Equipment protocol error|MTP_FAILURE |
106 |
UNKNOWN service centre address|MS response is overtime' |
107 |
Service centre congestion|HLR:the subscriber is unregistered' |
108 |
Invalid short message entity address|ROUTE BLOCKED FOR THIS SERIES |
109 |
Subscriber not service centre subscriber|MSISDN SERIES NOT CONFIGURED |
110 |
111 |
Local cancel|Queue_Unvailable |
112 |
113 |
114 |
115 |
116 |
Map Dialog P Abort Indication Provider Reason: Maintenance Activity |
117 |
Map Dialog P Abort Indication Provider Reason: Version Incompatibility |
118 |
Map Dialog P Abort Indication Provider Reason: Abnormal Dialogue |
119 |
MAP_DLGUA_UsrRsn_NTR_MapDlgUnavailable |
120 |
MAP_DLGUA_UsrRsn_NTR_MapNotConfigured |
121 |
MAP_DLGUA_UsrRsn_NTR_OtherErr |
122 |
MAP_DLGRJT_PrvRsn_NotSent |
123 |
124 |
EC_OR_appContextNotSupported |
125 |
EC_OR_invalidDestinationReference |
126 |
EC_OR_invalidOriginatingReference |
127 |
EC_OR_encapsulatedAC_NotSupported |
128 |
EC_OR_transportProtectionNotAdequate |
129 |
EC_OR_noReasonGiven |
130 |
EC_OR_potentialVersionIncompatibility |
131 |
EC_OR_remoteNodeNotReachable |
132 |
Map Dialog Rejected Refuse Reason: Application Context not supported |
133 |
Map Dialog Rejected Refuse Reason: Potential Version Incompatibility |
134 |
Map Dialog Rejected Refuse Reason: Remote Node not reachable |
135 |
Map Dialog Rejected Provider Reason: Provider malfunction |
136 |
Map Dialog Rejected Provider Reason: Transaction Released |
137 |
Map Dialog Rejected Provider Reason: Resource Limitation |
138 |
Map Dialog Rejected Provider Reason: Maintenance Activity |
139 |
Map Dialog Rejected Provider Reason: Version Incompatibility |
140 |
Map Dialog Rejected Provider Reason: Abnormal Dialogue |
141 |
Map Dialog User Abort Diagnostic Info: Short Term resource Limitation |
142 |
Map Dialog User Abort Diagnostic Info: Long term resource limitation |
143 |
Map Dialog User Abort Diagnostic Info: Handover cancellation |
144 |
Map Dialog User Abort Diagnostic Info: Radio Channel Release |
145 |
Map Dialog User Abort Diagnostic Info: Call Release |
146 |
Map Dialog User Abort Diagnostic Info: Network path Release |
147 |
Map Dialog User Abort Diagnostic Info: Associated Procedure release |
148 |
Map Dialog User Abort Diagnostic Info: Tandem Dialog Release |
149 |
Map Dialog User Abort Diagnostic Info: Remote Operation Failure |
150 |
UNKNOWN subscriber|Map Dialog User Abort User Reason: User specific reason |
151 |
Call barred|Map Dialog User Abort User Reason: User resource limitation |
152 |
Teleservice not provisioned|EC_NNR_noTranslationForAnAddressOfSuchNature |
153 |
Absent subscriber|EC_NNR_noTranslationForThisSpecificAddress |
154 |
Facility not supported|EC_NNR_subsystemCongestion |
155 |
System failure|EC_NNR_subsystemFailure |
156 |
Unexpected data value|EC_NNR_unequippedUser |
157 |
Data missing|EC_NNR_MTPfailure |
158 |
Memory capacity exceeded|EC_NNR_networkCongestion |
159 |
Mobile subscriber not reachable|EC_NNR_unqualified |
160 |
Reject|EC_NNR_errorInMessageTransportXUDT |
161 |
Local cancel|EC_NNR_errorInLocalProcessingXUDT |
162 |
Abort|EC_NNR_destinationCannotPerformReassemblyXUDT |
163 |
Exception|EC_NNR_SCCPfailure |
164 |
UNKNOWN|EC_NNR_hopCounterViolation |
165 |
EC_NNR_segmentationNotSupported |
166 |
EC_NNR_segmentationFailure |
167 |
USSD platform Unknown error |
168 |
DND Blocked |
169 |
MAP-P-Abort: Provider reasons |
170 |
MAP-P-Abort Provider reason: Malfunction |
171 |
MAP-P-Abort Provider reason: Dialog Released |
172 |
'waiting queue in destination subscriber table is full' |
173 |
MAP-P-Abort Provider reason: Abnormal Dialog |
174 |
MAP-P-Abort: Invalid PDU |
175 |
MAP-Open: Out of MAP dialogs |
176 |
Invalid Service code |
177 |
Subscriber MSISDN Blacklisted |
178 |
Subscriber IMSI Blacklisted |
179 |
Invalid Originating Address with Length greater than 20 chars |
180 |
MAP-Open Refuse reason: Node Not Reached |
181 |
'service barred' |
182 |
'operation barred' |
183 |
VLRBlackListed |
184 |
VLRWhiteListed |
185 |
MAP-Notice Problem: Message Cannot Be Delivered |
186 |
BILNG_SystemError |
187 |
MAP-Notice: Abnormal event detected by peer |
188 |
MAP-U-Abort: Error |
189 |
MAP-U-Abort User Reason: User Specific Reason |
190 |
MAP-U-Abort: User resource limitation |
191 |
MAP-U-Abort: Resource unavailable (short term) |
192 |
Unexpected session release from Servers/3rd party APP |
193 |
'unknServCent' |
194 |
'sc_Congestion' |
195 |
'invaSME_Add' |
196 |
'subsNotSC_Subsc' |
197 |
Application Specific Error from Client |
198 |
MAP-U-Abort: Application procedure cancellation (tandem dialogue released) |
199 |
MAP-U-Abort: Application procedure cancellation (remote operations failure) |
200 |
Unidentified subscriber|OPERATOR BLOCKED FOR ACCOUNT |
201 |
Absent subscriber IMSI detached|EC_unknown Subscriber |
202 |
Absent subscriber no page response|Unknown Base Station |
203 |
Subscriber busy for MT-SMS|Unknown MSC |
205 |
Illegal subscriber|EC_Unidentified Subscriber |
206 |
Illegal equipment|Absent Subscriber for SM |
206 |
Illegal equipment|Absent Subscriber for SM |
207 |
System failure|Unknown Equipment |
208 |
Unexpected data value|Roaming Not Allowed |
209 |
Data missing|Illegal Subscriber |
210 |
Memory capacity exceeded|Illegal SS Operation |
211 |
Equipment protocol error|SS Error Status |
212 |
Equipment not short message equipped|SS Not Available |
213 |
Reject|SS Subscription Violation |
214 |
Local cancel|SS Incompatible |
215 |
Abort|HLR:limited due to MS roaming' |
216 |
Exception|Internal IPC memory allocation Failure |
217 |
UNKNOWN|Internal IPC Router Failure |
218 |
'HLR:illegal subscriber' |
219 |
'HLR:subscriber absent' |
220 |
'HLR:the called MS poweroff' |
221 |
221 |
Message List Full |
222 |
223 |
Data Missing |
224 |
Unexpected Data |
225 |
226 |
'VMSC:no response' |
227 |
IN Subscriber not exist1 |
228 |
'the destination subscriber PPS authentication overtime' |
229 |
'IN Invalid subscriber' |
230 |
Not Allowed |
231 |
ATI Not Allowed |
232 |
No Group Call Number Available |
233 |
Resource Limitation |
234 |
Unauthorized Requesting Network |
235 |
Unathorized LCS Client |
236 |
Position Method Failure |
237 |
Custom error 8 |
238 |
Custom error 9 |
239 |
Custom error 10 |
240 |
Recipient Temporary Error |
241 |
Recipient Permanent Error |
242 |
Service Not configured/for a particular circle/subscriber. Or simply menu is incomplete or service i |
243 |
Terminating session due to invalid input |
244 |
Unspecific |
245 |
'HLR:the remote address not reachable' /'VMSC:Invalid Destination' |
246 |
Client Resource Not Available |
247 |
Unknown Alphabet |
248 |
249 |
250 |
Personal service barring|EC_DEST_ADDRESS_BLACKLISTED |
251 |
Personal service barring|EC_InvalidMscAddress |
252 |
Personal service barring|MESSAGE VALIDITY EXPIRED |
253 |
Personal service barring|the origination subscriber PPS authentication SCP connection broken' |
254 |
Personal service barring|any other error code other than 255 |
255 |
Personal service barring|EC_UNKNOWN_ERROR |
255 |
Personal service barring|EC_UNKNOWN_ERROR |
256 |
Personal service barring|EC_SM_DF_memoryCapacityExceeded |
257 |
Personal service barring|EC_SM_DF_equipmentProtocolError |
258 |
EC_SM_DF_equipmentNotSM_Equipped |
259 |
EC_SM_DF_unknownServiceCentre |
260 |
EC_SM_DF_sc_Congestion |
260 |
'SMS not supported by MS' |
261 |
EC_SM_DF_invalidSME_Address |
262 |
EC_SM_DF_subscriberNotSC_Subscriber |
263 |
MO Handover: Destination SME Barred |
264 |
MO Handover: Duplicate Message Rejected |
265 |
MO Handover: Validity Period Format Unsupported |
266 |
MO Handover: Validity Period Unsupported |
267 |
MO Handover: Not Supported by equipment |
268 |
MO Handover: System Error |
269 |
MO Handover: Duplicated invoke id |
270 |
MO Handover: Service not supported |
271 |
MO Handover: Mistyped parameter |
272 |
MO Handover: No response from the peer |
273 |
MO Handover: Resource limitation |
274 |
MO Handover: Initiating release |
275 |
Error Gateway |
276 |
MO Handover: Unexpected error |
277 |
MO Handover: Unexpected response from the peer |
278 |
MO Handover: Unable to complete operation within timeout |
279 |
MO Handover: Invalid response received |
280 |
Error|MO Handover: TCAP error |
281 |
EC_UA_userSpecificReason |
282 |
EC_UA_userResourceLimitation |
283 |
EC_UA_resourceUnavailable |
284 |
EC_UA_applicationProcedureCancellation |
285 |
MO Handover: Unexpected Data Value |
286 |
MO Handover: Telematic Interworking not Supported |
287 |
MO Handover: FDA throttled |
288 |
MO Handover: SM decoding problem |
300 |
Invalid destination address|Provider Error Duplicate Invoke ID |
301 |
Invalid destination numbering plan|Provider Error Service Not Supported |
302 |
Invalid destination type of number|Provider Error Mistyped Paramter |
303 |
Invalid destination flag|Provider Error Resource Limitation |
304 |
Invalid number of destinations|Provider Error Initiating Release |
305 |
Provider Error Unexpected Response |
306 |
Provider Error Service Completion Failure |
307 |
EC_Provider No Response from Peer |
308 |
Provider Error Invalid Response |
400 |
EC_MAP_abort _error |
401 |
Stack/Sig Error Map User specific Reason |
402 |
Stack/Sig Error Map User Resource Limitation |
403 |
Stack/Sig Error Map Resource Unavailable |
404 |
Stack/Sig Error Map Application Procedure Cancellation |
407 |
EC_HLR/MSC Timeout |
409 |
Unknown Error |
410 |
EC_Cancelled |
411 |
EC_ValidityExpired |
412 |
EC_NotSubmittedToSmppChannel |
413 |
414 |
415 |
Stack/Sig Response Rejected By Peer |
416 |
Stack/Sig Abnormal Event Recieved From Peer |
417 |
Stack/Sig Cannot deliver Message |
417 |
Sig Error Map Invalid Response from peer |
418 |
Sig Error Map Dialogue Does not Exist |
419 |
Sig Error Map Max evoke reached |
420 |
Stack/Sig Invalid Origination Reference |
420 |
Stack/Sig Invalid Origination Reference |
421 |
Stack/Sig No Reson |
421 |
Stack/Sig No Reson |
422 |
Stack/Sig Remote Node Not Reachable |
422 |
Stack/Sig Remote Node Not Reachable |
423 |
Stack/Sig Map Potential Version Incompatibility |
424 |
Stack/Sig Secured Transport Not Possible |
424 |
Stack/Sig Secured Transport Not Possible |
425 |
Stack/Sig Usr Transport Protection Not Adequate |
425 |
Stack/Sig Usr Transport Protection Not Adequate |
428 |
Sig Error MAP Subsystem congested |
428 |
Sig Error MAP Subsystem congested |
429 |
Sig Error MAP Subsystem failure |
429 |
Sig Error MAP Subsystem failure |
430 |
Sig Error MAP Error in local processing CCIT92 |
430 |
Sig Error MAP Error in local processing CCIT92 |
431 |
Sig Error MAP Re assembly failure |
431 |
Sig Error MAP Re assembly failure |
432 |
Sig Error MAP SCCP failure |
432 |
Sig Error MAP SCCP failure |
433 |
Sig Error MAP HOP counter violation ITU |
433 |
Sig Error MAP HOP counter violation ITU |
434 |
Sig Error MAP segmentation not supported |
434 |
Sig Error MAP segmentation not supported |
435 |
Sig Error MAP Segmentation failure |
435 |
Sig Error MAP Segmentation failure |
496 |
EC_invalidPduFurmat |
497 |
EC_NotSubmittedToGMSC |
500 |
501 |
Insufficient Balance |
502 |
503 |
504 |
507 |
508 |
509 |
510 |
Temp_Fail |
511 |
SPAM_Fail |
536 |
EC_PA_providerMalfunction |
537 |
EC_PA_supportingDialogOrTransactionRealeased |
538 |
EC_PA_ressourceLimitation |
539 |
EC_PA_maintenanceActivity |
540 |
EC_PA_versionIncompatibility |
541 |
EC_PA_abnormalMapDialog |
600 |
Internal Error |
601 |
Timeout at SRI |
602 |
Absent subscriber |
703 |
Submit_SM_Timeout |
715 |
Expired at BMG |
715 |
Expired |
792 |
EC_NC_abnormalEventDetectedByPeer |
793 |
EC_NC_responseRejectedByPeer |
794 |
EC_NC_abnormalEventReceivedFromPeer |
795 |
EC_NC_messageCannotBeDeliveredToPeer |
796 |
EC_NC_providerOutOfInvoke |
801 |
1001 |
No Response from far Network |
1024 |
EC_OR_appContextNotSupported |
1025 |
EC_OR_invalidDestinationReference |
1026 |
EC_OR_invalidOriginatingReference; |
1027 |
EC_OR_encapsulatedAC_NotSupported |
1028 |
EC_OR_transportProtectionNotAdequate |
1029 |
EC_OR_noReasonGiven |
1030 |
EC_OR_potentialVersionIncompatibility |
1031 |
EC_OR_remoteNodeNotReachable |
1152 |
EC_NNR_noTranslationForAnAddressOfSuchNatur |
1153 |
EC_NNR_noTranslationForThisSpecificAddress |
1154 |
EC_NNR_subsystemCongestion |
1155 |
EC_NNR_subsystemFailure |
1156 |
EC_NNR_unequippedUser |
1157 |
EC_NNR_MTPfailure |
1158 |
EC_NNR_networkCongestion |
1159 |
EC_NNR_unqualified |
1160 |
EC_NNR_errorInMessageTransportXUDT |
1161 |
EC_NNR_errorInLocalProcessingXUDT |
1162 |
EC_NNR_destinationCannotPerformReassemblyXUDT |
1163 |
EC_NNR_SCCPfailure |
1164 |
EC_NNR_hopCounterViolation |
1165 |
EC_NNR_segmentationNotSupported |
1166 |
EC_NNR_segmentationFailure |
1281 |
EC_UA_userSpecificReason |
1282 |
EC_UA_userResourceLimitation |
1283 |
EC_UA_resourceUnavailable |
1284 |
EC_UA_applicationProcedureCancellation |
1536 |
EC_PA_providerMalfunction |
1537 |
EC_PA_supportingDialogOrTransactionRealeased |
1538 |
EC_PA_ressourceLimitation |
1539 |
EC_PA_maintenanceActivity |
1540 |
EC_PA_versionIncompatibility |
1541 |
EC_PA_abnormalMapDialog |
1793 |
EC_NC_responseRejectedByPeer |
1794 |
EC_NC_abnormalEventReceivedFromPeer |
1795 |
EC_NC_messageCannotBeDeliveredToPeer |
1796 |
EC_NC_providerOutOfInvoke |
2000 |
Make_Call API Failure |
2001 |
Message too long |
2002 |
Command length is invalid |
2003 |
Command ID is invalid or not supported |
2004 |
Incorrect bind status for given command |
2005 |
Already bound |
2006 |
Invalid Priority Flag |
2007 |
Invalid registered delivery flag |
2008 |
System error |
2010 |
Invalid source address |
2011 |
Invalid destination address |
2012 |
Message ID is invalid |
2013 |
Bind failed |
2014 |
Invalid password |
2015 |
Invalid System ID |
2017 |
Cancelling message failed |
2019 |
Message recplacement failed |
2020 |
Message queue full |
2021 |
Invalid service type |
2022 |
Invalid services type |
2048 |
2049 |
2050 |
2051 |
EC_InvalidMscAddress |
2052 |
2064 |
Invalid destination flag |
2066 |
Invalid submit with replace request |
2067 |
Invalid esm class set |
2068 |
Invalid submit to ditribution list |
2069 |
Submitting message has failed |
2072 |
Invalid source address type of number ( TON ) |
2073 |
Invalid source address numbering plan ( NPI ) |
2080 |
Invalid destination address type of number ( TON ) |
2081 |
Invalid destination address numbering plan ( NPI ) |
2083 |
Invalid system type |
2084 |
Invalid replace_if_present flag |
2085 |
Invalid number of messages |
2088 |
Throttling error |
2097 |
Invalid scheduled delivery time |
2098 |
Invalid Validty Period value |
2099 |
Predefined message not found |
2100 |
ESME Receiver temporary error |
2101 |
ESME Receiver permanent error |
2102 |
ESME Receiver reject message error |
2103 |
Message query request failed |
2168 |
DND Block |
2192 |
Error in the optional part of the PDU body |
2193 |
TLV not allowed |
2194 |
Invalid parameter length |
2195 |
Expected TLV missing |
2196 |
Invalid TLV value |
2254 |
Transaction delivery failure |
2255 |
Unknown error |
2256 |
ESME not authorised to use specified servicetype |
2257 |
ESME prohibited from using specified operation |
2258 |
Specified servicetype is unavailable |
2259 |
Specified servicetype is denied |
2260 |
Invalid data coding scheme |
2261 |
Invalid source address subunit |
2262 |
Invalid destination address subunit |
2300 |
Incorrect destination address |
2301 |
Incorrect number of destination addresses |
2302 |
Syntax error in user data parameter |
2303 |
Incorrect bin/head/normal user data parameter combination |
2304 |
Incorrect dcs parameter usage |
2305 |
Incorrect validity period parameters usage |
2306 |
Incorrect originator address usage |
2307 |
Incorrect PID parameter usage |
2308 |
Incorrect first delivery parameter usage |
2309 |
Incorrect reply path usage |
2310 |
Incorrect status report request parameter usage |
2311 |
Incorrect cancel enabled parameter usage |
2312 |
Incorrect priority parameter usage |
2313 |
Incorrect tariff class parameter usage |
2314 |
Incorrect service description parameter usage |
2315 |
Incorrect transport type paramdeter usage |
2316 |
Incorrect message type parameter usage |
2318 |
Incorrect MMS parameter usage |
2319 |
Incorrect operation timer parameter usage |
2320 |
Incorrect dialogue ID parameter usage |
2321 |
Incorrect alpha originator address usage |
2322 |
Invalid data for alpha numeric originator |
2323 |
Online closed user group rejection |
2324 |
Licence exceeded |
4000 |
4001 |
4096 |
EC_InvalidPduFormat |
4097 |
EC_NotSubmittedToGMSC |
4100 |
EC_Cancelled |
4101 |
EC_ValidityExpired |
4103 |
4104 |
4106 |
4107 |
4108 |
5000 |
5001 |
5101 |
5102 |
5103 |
5104 |
5105 |
5106 |
5107 |
5108 |
5201 |
5202 |
5203 |
5204 |
5205 |
Entity_ID_Not_Matched |
5301 |
5302 |
5303 |
5304 |
5305 |
5306 |
5307 |
5308 |
5401 |
5402 |
5403 |
5404 |
5405 |
5406 |
5501 |
5502 |
5503 |
7001 |
7002 |
7003 |
7004 |
20A |
Bearer Service Not Supported |
20b |
Tele Service Not Provisioned |
20c |
Error Equipment |
20d |
Call Barred |
20E |
Error Forward Violation |
20F |
Error CUG Reject |
21A |
Subsequent Handover Failure |
21b |
Absent Subscriber for MT |
21C |
Incompatible Terminal |
21D |
Short Term Denial |
21E |
Long Term Denial |
21f |
Subscriber Busy for MT |
22C |
Number of PW attempts Violation |
22D |
Busy Subscriber |
22E |
No Reply from Subscriber |
22F |
Forwarding Failed |
23A |
Unknown or Unreachable LCS Client |
40a |
Stack/Sig Error Map Provider Malfunction |
40B |
Stack/Sig Error Map Unrecognised Transaction ID |
40C |
Stack/Sig Error Dialog Resource Limitation |
40D |
Stack/Sig Error Map Maintenance Activity |
40E |
Stack/Sig Error Map Version Incompatibility |
40F |
Stack/Sig Error Abnormal Map Dialogue |
41A |
Sig Error MAP guard timer expired |
41B |
Sig Error MAP SPCAUSE mask |
41c |
Sig Error MAP No translation Based Address |
41d |
Sig Error MAP No translation specific address |
41E |
Stack/Sig Application Context Not Supported |
41F |
Stack/Sig DlG Invalid Destination Reference |
42a |
Sig Error MAP unequipped user |
42b |
Sig Error MAP network failure |
42c |
Sig Error MAP network congestion |
42d |
Sig Error MAP unqualified |
42E |
Sig Error MAP HOP Counter violation ANS92 |
42F |
Sig Error MAP Error in message transport CCIT92 |
20A |
Bearer Service Not Supported |
20B |
Tele Service Not Provisioned |
20C |
Error Equipment |
20D |
Call Barred |
20E |
Error Forward Violation |
20F |
Error CUG Reject |
21A |
Subsequent Handover Failure |
21B |
Absent Subscriber for MT |
21C |
Incompatible Terminal |
21D |
Short Term Denial |
21E |
Long Term Denial |
21F |
Subscriber Busy for MT |
22C |
Number of PW attempts Violation |
22D |
Busy Subscriber |
22E |
No Subscriber Reply |
22F |
Forwarding Failed |
23A |
Unknown or Unreachable LCS Client |
40A |
Stack/Sig Error Map Provider Malfunction |
40A |
Stack/Sig Error Map Provider Malfunction |
40B |
Stack/Sig Error Map Unrecognised Transaction ID |
40B |
Stack/Sig Error Map Unrecognised Transaction ID |
40C |
Stack/Sig Error Dialog Resource Limitation |
40C |
Stack/Sig Error Dialog Resource Limitation |
40D |
Stack/Sig Error Map Maintenance Activity |
40D |
Stack/Sig Error Map Maintenance Activity |
40E |
Stack/Sig Error Map Version Incompatibility |
40E |
Stack/Sig Error Map Version Incompatibility |
40F |
Stack/Sig Error Abnormal Map Dialogue |
40F |
Stack/Sig Error Abnormal Map Dialogue |
41A |
Sig Error Map guard Timer Expired |
41B |
Sig Error Map SPCAUSE mask |
41C |
Sig Error MAP No Translation Basd Address |
41D |
Sig Error MAP No Translation specific address |
41E |
Stack/Sig Application Context Not Supported |
41F |
Stack/Sig Dlg Invalid Destination Reference |
42A |
Sig Error MAP Un Equipped User |
42A |
Sig Error MAP Un Equipped User |
42B |
Sig Error MAP Network Failure |
42B |
Sig Error MAP Network Failure |
42C |
Sig Error MAP Network Conjestion |
42D |
Sig Error MAP un Qualified |
42E |
Sig Error MAP HOP Counter violaion ANS92 |
42F |
Sig Error MAP Error in message transport CCIT92 |
5312 |
EC_5312 Variable length exceed. |
5302 |
Content id not in database. |
622 |
Header is blacklisted on all Platforms |
650 |
604 |
Internal Congestion |
1000 |
MTP Failure - application-context-name-not-supported |
Error codes |
Error Description |
5601 |
PE_TM_Hash is not valid/ not available / Blank |
5602 |
PE_TM_Hash is Blacklisted |
5603 |
PE_TM_Hash is Inactive |
5604 |
PE_TM_Hash is Suspended |
5605 |
PE_TM_Hash TM-D ID not matched |
5606 |
PE_TM_Hash PE ID not matched |
5607 |
TM_ID_Not_Available(HASH's TMID id is not valid) |
5608 |
PE_TM_HASH_EMPTY(TM Field Empty) |
614 |
615 |
616 |
617 |
618 |
812 |
PE_TM chain is inactive. |
811 |
Invalid PE-TM hash. |
813 |
Hash does not match with PE-TM Chain. |
Error Code |
Error Despcription |
4154 |
4155 |
4156 |
4157 |
4158 |